07 October 2009

aku ada payung...kamu?

Have you ever walking down the street during rain without using an umbrella? Everyone should have once and should end up wet. If you are not getting cold on the next day, then you are lucky. (Kalau aku kena ujan..esok dah tak pi keja..kpala berat cam kena hempap batu! Tp biasanya aku gi keja gak..demi sesuap nasi…hehe!)

Its so simple, thats what will do if you are not using a protection. And its just a rain, how about if you are not using protection in more dangerous and harmful situation? Even my self didn’t want to imagine that. Tak Sanggup! Bkn stakat mnyusahkan diri sendiri, tp org lain trkena gak tempiasnya..sian kat MAK & ABAH aku..isk isk!

Well folks, the hard fact about the whole story above is simple, without protection you could endangered and risking your self from any misfortunes that may occur anytime.

Pepatah Melayu pun ader ckp..”Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan”


1. Dah hujan br sibuk nak cari payung

2. Tak hujan lg, tp dah renyai2..tu pun wat dek jek!

3. Org lain sibuk beli payung..kita dok tengok jek!

4. Payung dah beli, tapi tak penah dibelek2, @ nak diteliti..

Thats why people invented insurance, this is a thing that will covered and protect us due to bad circumstances.

We couldn’t be sure when we will get sick, being forced to lay down our job or even worse, who will taking care of your family if you suddenly passed away?

Although, no one like to talk about misfortunes and bad thing in the future, but its happen and its a real deal. If you are kind or person that not yet aware about the importance of being protected, than you must start thinking about it seriously.

Tolong ar pikir....

p/s Actually, idea ni dtg dgn tiba2..pentingnya insurans..nak aku ckp lg ker? Xyah la..majoriti dah tau..tp majority jugak yg xtau tp pura2 tau..xpela..tu hak individu..tp pd aku insurans@takaful tu teramatlah penting! Sebab pd aku INSURANS IS ALL ABOUT LOVE! (my future hsband pun kena sama pndpt cam aku ni!hihi)

* kalo tak malam ni…mybe esok aku smbung..aku nak elaborate lg psl ‘DON’T’ tu…

-----------aku kena smbung keja ni-------------

1 comment:

N a d i a said...

aku juga sudah punyai payung!

payung itu slalu kita endahkan
payung itu tidak kita hiraukan
tika hujan melanda
tika panas menjelma,
terkial - kial kita mencari ia..
sedarlah wahai semua
kuyup lah kita basahlah kita
hitam lah kita pening lah kita
andai tiada payung untuk memayungi diri..